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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Holiday Inn
Opinions réelles de Holiday Inn clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 1 - 10 de 13 - Page 1 de 2
Holiday Inn: Unable to sleep because the room is extremely b...
novembre 23 2017
Holiday Inn: The room and hotel were clean and good customer...
novembre 22 2017
Holiday Inn: The rate for my reservation increased by $** in...
novembre 17 2017
Holiday Inn: Miscommunication and and misiformation aboubd a...
~dazed and confused
novembre 17 2017
Holiday Inn: The person on the other end so accented that I...
novembre 15 2017
Holiday Inn: Hit a human quick. Spoke to someone obviously...
novembre 11 2017
I stayed at a Holiday Inn in Nashua, NH. On th...
novembre 6 2017
I stayed at a Holiday Inn select in Ft. lauderd...
novembre 2 2017
Holiday Inn: From voice menu I selected Priority Club but go...
octobre 31 2017
Holiday Inn: Fine, no problem at all. Had to talk to human t...
~A user
octobre 31 2017
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Holiday Inn évaluations
1.00 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
1 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
3 sur 5 pour la communication
1 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Holiday Inn