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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour LG Electronics
Opinions réelles de LG Electronics clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 1 - 10 de 62 - Page 1 de 7
LG Electronics: Washing Machine model number WM****CW leaking a...
décembre 8 2017
LG Electronics: LG V** broke effortlessly ** days after purchase?
décembre 1er 2017
LG Electronics: LG G* phone screen turning black and not coming...
novembre 30 2017
LG Electronics: LG support in Phillipines is the worst
novembre 29 2017
LG Electronics: Almost could not understand the agent. Was of...
novembre 28 2017
LG Electronics: Wish I had stuck with Samsung they are built to...
novembre 28 2017
LG Electronics: Horrible. They were rude. Didn't help at all an...
novembre 28 2017
LG Electronics: My TV was just out of warranty and I had a prob...
novembre 27 2017
LG Electronics: I have * LG televisions and * LG phones. The L...
novembre 27 2017
LG Electronics: I replaced the remote on the advice of LG suppo...
~UpSet from the get go
novembre 27 2017
Voir plus ancien
LG Electronics évaluations
1.67 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
4 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
5 sur 5 pour la communication
2 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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LG Electronics