Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Maryland Health Connection
Opinions réelles de Maryland Health Connection clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 1 - 10 de 21 - Page 1 de 3
Maryland Health Connection: Appalling Incompetence
novembre 29 2017
Maryland Health Connection: Been trying to get infant son new health insura...
novembre 28 2017
Maryland Health Connection: On hold for an hour and a half to cancel a poli...
novembre 28 2017
Maryland Health Connection: The connection has not processed my subsidy fro...
~Frustrated and Disgusted with
novembre 28 2017
Maryland Health Connection: On hold for ** minutes only to be told she coul...
~Mad in MD
novembre 28 2017
Maryland Health Connection: I finally got a rep!! However she's placed me o...
novembre 27 2017
Maryland Health Connection: I called and got someone after ** minutes of be...
~Angry customer
novembre 27 2017
Maryland Health Connection: Website is horrible over complicated and just p...
~Unsatisfied Customer
novembre 27 2017
Maryland Health Connection: called to find out why insurance cancelled. Was...
novembre 27 2017
Maryland Health Connection: This is the worst system ever!! You wait on hol...
novembre 27 2017
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Maryland Health Connection évaluations
1.11 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
1 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
1 sur 5 pour la communication
1 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Maryland Health Connection Coordonnées
Comment contacter Maryland Health Connection
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Maryland Health Connection