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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Zara
Opinions réelles de Zara clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 1 - 10 de 12 - Page 1 de 2
Zara: I was already sent my email to customer service...
novembre 27 2017
Zara: The worst customer service. They sent me the w...
novembre 25 2017
Zara: Faulty zippers on jackets and coats and not eno...
novembre 25 2017
Purchased shoes from Zara only to get home and...
novembre 23 2017
Zara: I purchased a dress online, received the delive...
novembre 23 2017
I bought blue colour size ** shoes from Zara in...
novembre 22 2017
Zara: Had a TERRIBLE experience in the Orlando store...
novembre 22 2017
Zara: I have logged * hours trying to resolve a simpl...
novembre 20 2017
I am currently at the Galleria Zara. Seven peop...
novembre 17 2017
Zara: I called to complain about an incident with out...
novembre 14 2017
Voir plus ancien
Zara évaluations
1.50 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
4 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
3 sur 5 pour la communication
2 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Zara Coordonnées
Comment contacter Zara
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