Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour CenturyLink
Opinions réelles de CenturyLink clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 1 - 10 de 99 - Page 1 de 10
CenturyLink: They transfer you between departments until you...
novembre 29 2017
CenturyLink: I have gone back to TWC. If there was the leas...
novembre 29 2017
Don't go with CenturyLink. NO customer service...
~Cindy A
novembre 28 2017
CenturyLink: They say less than ** seconds - they LIE. Sinc...
novembre 28 2017
CenturyLink: Needed service because no dial tone (land line...
novembre 28 2017
CenturyLink: concierge * referred me to ***-***-**** which f...
novembre 28 2017
CenturyLink: I live in an area where there are * choices: ca...
novembre 28 2017
CenturyLink: having an awful time after a botched move, stil...
novembre 28 2017
CenturyLink: I get to wait * days for a tech to come out and...
novembre 28 2017
CenturyLink: I paid my bill electronically only to be told b...
~Louise Schloss
novembre 27 2017
Voir plus ancien
CenturyLink évaluations
2.56 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
5 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
2 sur 5 pour la communication
3 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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CenturyLink Coordonnées
Comment contacter CenturyLink
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