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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Lumosity - Page 5
Opinions réelles de Lumosity clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 41 - 50 de 56 - Page 5 de 6
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Lumosity: Too many users * freezing computer during train...
novembre 18 2017
Lumosity: I contacted the horribly inappropriately named...
novembre 18 2017
Lumosity: Left message and nobody returned my call, then...
novembre 18 2017
Lumosity: I had tried three times to submit my billing er...
novembre 18 2017
Lumosity: I was unable to talk with anyone to resolve my...
novembre 17 2017
Lumosity: they do not have customer service. the phone is...
novembre 17 2017
Lumosity: emailed, called several times but the phone can...
novembre 17 2017
Lumosity: Call went straight to Have not been ab Have not...
novembre 16 2017
Lumosity: I was not able to speak with a representative b...
novembre 16 2017
Lumosity: Scam! ** day trial period over ** days ago. Sti...
novembre 16 2017
Voir plus ancien
Lumosity évaluations
1.23 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
3 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
2 sur 5 pour la communication
1 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Lumosity Coordonnées
Comment contacter Lumosity
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