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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Western Union - Page 11
Opinions réelles de Western Union clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 101 - 110 de 121 - Page 11 de 13
Plus récent
Western Union: I sent money to a friend whom ended up not need...
novembre 11 2017
Western Union: my wait was brief. i was transferred once and t...
novembre 10 2017
Western Union: my money order was lost in mail ,purchased for...
novembre 10 2017
Western Union: Originally they transferred me to their regular...
~Frustrated caller
novembre 9 2017
Western Union: I used main number: *-***-***-****. Once I got...
novembre 9 2017
Western Union: Have been trying to become a money transfer age...
novembre 8 2017
Western Union: transfered *,*** to my daughter and according t...
novembre 7 2017
Western Union: "So incredibly obtuse and not worth the time...
novembre 6 2017
Western Union: I sent an tranfer to Nigeria and still don't kn...
novembre 5 2017
Western Union: I attempted to use the western union online ser...
novembre 4 2017
Voir plus ancien
Western Union évaluations
2.52 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
2 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
5 sur 5 pour la communication
4 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Western Union