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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour John Hancock - Page 2
Opinions réelles de John Hancock clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 11 - 20 de 37 - Page 2 de 4
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John Hancock: Very frustrating there is no phone number for c...
novembre 25 2017
John Hancock: I spoke with one person who said I would be con...
novembre 24 2017
John Hancock: The lady from the Philippines did not understan...
~Another JH victim
novembre 24 2017
John Hancock: *** ***-**** led to a phone tree to a dead end...
~Mr. Blue
novembre 23 2017
John Hancock: The representative was in the Philippines and w...
novembre 22 2017
John Hancock: Knowlegable call person with a ready understand...
novembre 22 2017
John Hancock: The person with whom I dealt was friendly and h...
novembre 22 2017
John Hancock: Alana was able to take care of my premium payme...
novembre 22 2017
John Hancock: On ********** we returned two surrendered polic...
novembre 22 2017
John Hancock: This cust service person was rude and mean. thi...
novembre 21 2017
Voir plus ancien
John Hancock évaluations
2.50 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
3 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
4 sur 5 pour la communication
5 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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John Hancock Coordonnées
Comment contacter John Hancock
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John Hancock