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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Columbia Gas of Ohio
Opinions réelles de Columbia Gas of Ohio clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 1 - 10 de 12 - Page 1 de 2
Columbia Gas of Ohio: I called to transfer the account to the new own...
~Steeler Fan
novembre 26 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: This company need to train there people to be a...
~Fuck the gas company
novembre 25 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: I have been a customer of Columbia Gas for over...
novembre 24 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: The customer service reps are horrible. The se...
~concerned consumer
novembre 24 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: no live human. continually transfered to anothe...
~do not know
novembre 21 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: need to get service inspected and atime to have...
novembre 21 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: I used the call back feature, I was called back...
novembre 21 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: It's too bad there is only one miserable gas co...
novembre 19 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: They do not want any new customers in our area...
novembre 18 2017
Columbia Gas of Ohio: There was no option of speaking with a live per...
novembre 17 2017
Voir plus ancien
Columbia Gas of Ohio évaluations
3.33 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
2 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
3 sur 5 pour la communication
4 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Columbia Gas of Ohio Coordonnées
Comment contacter Columbia Gas of Ohio
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Columbia Gas of Ohio