Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour NFL Shop
Opinions réelles de NFL Shop clients par GetHuman
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Issue with NFL Shop
décembre 5 2017
NFL Shop: had to go to another website fo find customer c...
~unhappy customer.
novembre 28 2017
NFL Shop: returned * items, one credited back right away...
novembre 28 2017
NFL Shop: Infant customized jersey looked great, but the...
novembre 27 2017
NFL Shop: I sent shirts back * months ago, credit never r...
novembre 26 2017
NFL Shop: Julia was helpful and great to speak with. I hi...
novembre 25 2017
NFL Shop: Lisa was just AWESOME,FRIENDLY, and very HELPFU...
novembre 25 2017
NFL Shop: We will NEVER order from here again. Our order...
novembre 25 2017
NFL Shop: Karie was very helpful, answered my questions q...
novembre 25 2017
NFL Shop: The Xmas order was delayed one month. No notif...
novembre 25 2017
Voir plus ancien
NFL Shop évaluations
3.20 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
5 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
2 sur 5 pour la communication
5 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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NFL Shop