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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour WOW! - Page 5
Opinions réelles de WOW! clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 41 - 50 de 56 - Page 5 de 6
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WOW!: You people commenting are Lame! AS USUAL, excel...
~Freakin Great Service
novembre 21 2017
WOW!: Horrible Company! If it were not for the fact t...
novembre 21 2017
WOW!: Seemed to speak fast so I couldn't figure out h...
novembre 21 2017
WOW!: called about the viacom problem, wanted to spea...
novembre 21 2017
WOW!: Never got a person. Already stayed on hold wit...
novembre 20 2017
WOW!: Wouldn't let me pay the amount due because I'm...
novembre 20 2017
WOW!: my phone service has been bad for over a week n...
novembre 20 2017
WOW!: There is NO support for people trying to upgrad...
novembre 20 2017
WOW!: I have called * times to pay a Bill , i was tra...
novembre 20 2017
WOW!: Because I wanted to downgrade my service after...
novembre 19 2017
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WOW! évaluations
1.84 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
4 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
5 sur 5 pour la communication
4 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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