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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour WOW! - Page 2
Opinions réelles de WOW! clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 11 - 20 de 56 - Page 2 de 6
Plus récent
WOW!: this company should be given an award for being...
novembre 27 2017
WOW!: Terrible service and bad customer service nobod...
novembre 27 2017
WOW!: I have never had to wait long to speak to a cus...
novembre 26 2017
WOW!: Call was excellent.*Call was answered on *nd ri...
novembre 26 2017
WOW!: wanted answer why it takes so long to change da...
novembre 26 2017
WOW!: I was placed on hold to talk to a manager*super...
novembre 26 2017
WOW!: Tried to get my bill adjusted to what I had bee...
novembre 26 2017
WOW!: I called to see why no one came out yesterday t...
novembre 25 2017
WOW!: I have had Wow services for less than a month...
novembre 25 2017
WOW!: Called about internet being very bad and the ca...
novembre 25 2017
Voir plus ancien
WOW! évaluations
1.84 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
4 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
5 sur 5 pour la communication
4 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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