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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Travelocity
Opinions réelles de Travelocity clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 1 - 10 de 162 - Page 1 de 17
Travelocity: I purchased the Travel Insurance for free cance...
novembre 28 2017
Travelocity: Never got the call back from their new service...
novembre 28 2017
Made a reservation at Travelocity rate. After...
novembre 28 2017
Travelocity: I booked airline tickets then airline and Trave...
~Business traveler
novembre 28 2017
Travelocity: Called resort first and they said if Travelocit...
novembre 27 2017
Travelocity: Reserved * car seats for my children for the re...
novembre 27 2017
Travelocity: On May **, ****, I bid for a *-star "Top Secret...
novembre 27 2017
Travelocity: this is the best number to reached a human bein...
novembre 27 2017
Travelocity: the airline had the name incorrectly even thoug...
novembre 27 2017
Travelocity: Terrible serivce and was hung up on * times aft...
novembre 27 2017
Voir plus ancien
Travelocity évaluations
1.50 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
2 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
1 sur 5 pour la communication
1 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Travelocity Coordonnées
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