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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Straight Talk - Page 40
Opinions réelles de Straight Talk clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 391 - 400 de 1126 - Page 40 de 113
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Straight Talk: wish I knew why they charged my phone on the *n...
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: Several days of being routed to different depar...
~Crooked Talk customer
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: I bought the sim kit and it advertised ulimited...
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: I am trying to switch my number over to a new p...
~Luke Harken
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: phone hadbeen turned off paid by straight talk...
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: Outside of a little trouble with the reps accen...
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: I had prepaid a plan for * months but the servi...
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: My credit card was stolen that pays my auto ref...
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: To talk to a human straighttalk rep call...
novembre 21 2017
Straight Talk: been out of service since i got my replacement...
novembre 21 2017
Voir plus ancien
Straight Talk évaluations
1.90 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
4 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
5 sur 5 pour la communication
1 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Straight Talk