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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Herff Jones - Page 2
Opinions réelles de Herff Jones clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 11 - 20 de 21 - Page 2 de 3
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Herff Jones: WOW an act of congress to get the local phone n...
novembre 25 2017
Herff Jones: Well it's a good thing I contacted this number...
novembre 19 2017
Herff Jones: Deondre' answered my call. Listened to my compl...
novembre 16 2017
Herff Jones: Your location*store in Greenville, SC has the w...
novembre 16 2017
Herff Jones: Jared was helpful and right on it. IS sending m...
novembre 16 2017
Herff Jones: this company cannot get an order straight. I ca...
novembre 15 2017
Herff Jones: great, very helpful, very quick (short automate...
novembre 15 2017
Herff Jones: I had to wait way too long for someone to come...
novembre 15 2017
Herff Jones: Why is your phone number so difficult to find...
novembre 15 2017
Herff Jones: My question was complicated and I am not sure t...
novembre 13 2017
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Herff Jones évaluations
3.00 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
3 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
4 sur 5 pour la communication
3 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Herff Jones