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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Green Tree Servicing - Page 5
Opinions réelles de Green Tree Servicing clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 41 - 50 de 52 - Page 5 de 6
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Green Tree Servicing: Grateful for earlier comments about continuing...
novembre 15 2017
Green Tree Servicing: Loan got sold to them from GMAC. Miserable bun...
novembre 15 2017
Green Tree Servicing: These people are like predatory lenders. Their...
novembre 15 2017
Green Tree Servicing: I had trouble getting through their red tape un...
novembre 14 2017
Green Tree Servicing: There is no option that allows the customer to...
novembre 14 2017
Green Tree Servicing: never talked to anyone human. what the heck is...
novembre 14 2017
Green Tree Servicing: After call transger, waited * mins for music to...
novembre 14 2017
Green Tree Servicing: You want my payment but won't allow me to pay o...
novembre 14 2017
Green Tree Servicing: Never could get an automated system, kept going...
novembre 14 2017
Green Tree Servicing: Have tried repeatedly to contact Green Tree cus...
novembre 12 2017
Voir plus ancien
Green Tree Servicing évaluations
1.90 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
1 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
4 sur 5 pour la communication
1 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Green Tree Servicing