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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour GetHuman - Page 3
Opinions réelles de GetHuman clients par GetHuman
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GetHuman: It is user unfriendly. Address of email would put...
novembre 30 2017
GetHuman: It would be nice to be able to call and explain st...
novembre 30 2017
GetHuman: You make it impossible to contact your company. Al...
novembre 30 2017
GetHuman: i have been calling them for three days. wait tim...
novembre 29 2017
GetHuman: please i want message to message talk
novembre 29 2017
GetHuman: You are great! Verizon called me back within...
novembre 29 2017
GetHuman is awesome!
novembre 29 2017
GetHuman: You guys are the best!
novembre 29 2017
GetHuman: I love your site!!! I use it all the time!
novembre 29 2017
GetHuman: The first time I used the site to contact Bank...
novembre 20 2017
GetHuman évaluations
3.00 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
2 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
1 sur 5 pour la communication
4 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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