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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Bradford Exchange - Page 5
Opinions réelles de Bradford Exchange clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 41 - 50 de 251 - Page 5 de 26
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Bradford Exchange: Twice now, orders have had tremendous delays ge...
novembre 26 2017
Bradford Exchange: i rather talk * a live rep instead of an record...
novembre 26 2017
Bradford Exchange: We have been waiting almost * weeks for a refun...
novembre 26 2017
Bradford Exchange: I also got Emily, who was able to reassure me o...
novembre 26 2017
Bradford Exchange: "I had ordered checks from Bradford before, and...
novembre 25 2017
Bradford Exchange: i have spent an hour trying to buy s disney rin...
novembre 25 2017
Bradford Exchange: Representative needs to talk louder. I wear he...
novembre 25 2017
Bradford Exchange: Wow, even leaving a comment was not easy. The...
novembre 25 2017
Bradford Exchange: Placed an order * months ago. Called twice to f...
novembre 25 2017
Bradford Exchange: I ordered a Marine Corps jacket ** December...
novembre 25 2017
Voir plus ancien
Bradford Exchange évaluations
3.73 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
5 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
2 sur 5 pour la communication
5 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Bradford Exchange Coordonnées
Comment contacter Bradford Exchange
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Bradford Exchange