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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Bonefish Grill
Opinions réelles de Bonefish Grill clients par GetHuman
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Bonefish Grill: Customer comment
décembre 1er 2017
Bonefish Grill: I have eaten at Bonefish in Florida and it was...
novembre 28 2017
We went to Bonefish Grill on Hwy ** in Spring H...
novembre 26 2017
Bonefish Grill: This was a horrible experience for my son and i...
novembre 26 2017
Bonefish Grill: My wife and I attempted to eat at the Bradenton...
novembre 26 2017
Bonefish Grill: nobody answers the phone I get a recording w...
novembre 26 2017
Bonefish Grill: We visited Bonefish last Friday, January...
novembre 26 2017
Bonefish Grill: You have changed your vendor for salmon. You a...
~George Norris
novembre 25 2017
Bonefish Grill: Served bad lobster*smelled like ammonia*which I...
novembre 24 2017
Bonefish Grill: recently ate at the frederick md location - the...
novembre 8 2017
Voir plus ancien
Bonefish Grill évaluations
3.33 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
5 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
5 sur 5 pour la communication
3 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Comment contacter Bonefish Grill
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Bonefish Grill