Mitsubishi Motors: Poor treatment at a Mitsubishi dealership

Un Mitsubishi Motors avis client de l'utilisateur GetHuman GetHuman-beaverke de décembre 7, 2017

Contexte du cas de GetHuman-beaverke

GetHuman:GetHuman-beaverke - pouvez-vous dire à nos autres Mitsubishi Motors clients quand votre cas a eu lieu?
GetHuman-beaverke:Sure. C'était afternoon, le décembre 3.
GetHuman:Avez-vous contacté Mitsubishi Motors, et si oui, comment?
GetHuman-beaverke:J'ai utilisé le 888-648-7820 numéro que j'ai trouvé sur la page de numéro de téléphone client GetHuman Mitsubishi Motors sur laquelle j'étais:Mitsubishi Motors Numéro de téléphone du service client
GetHuman:Et lequel de ces problèmes clients Mitsubishi Motors courants décrit le mieux la raison pour laquelle vous vouliez leur parler?
(Affiche GetHuman-beaverke une liste de problèmes Mitsubishi Motors courants)
GetHuman-beaverke:"Returns" était la raison pour laquelle j'essayais to call.

L'avis de GetHuman-beaverke sur le Mitsubishi Motors service client

GetHuman:Alors, comment résumeriez-vous votre expérience pour la communauté de clients Mitsubishi Motors de GetHuman? Nous censurerons tous les identifiants, numéros ou codes et tous les mots inappropriés ici par respect pour les millions d'autres clients utilisant cette ressource.
GetHuman-beaverke:Poor treatment at a Mitsubishi dealership
GetHuman:Pouvez-vous nous en dire un peu plus sur ce qui s'est passé le 12/03/17?
GetHuman-beaverke:I had a terrible transaction with Boardman Mitsubishi owner Jerry Sandford in Boardman, Ohio and it's still unresolved.**I did receive a call from their PR*internet manager Erin Waldron. Ms. Waldron was apologetic and said that she had rectified the situation with the salesman's rude behavior (see below). Ms. Waldron CONCURRED with my assessment that Mr. Sandford's dealership and I had agreed to the $**,*** price I had offered for a used **** Honda Fit. She asked what could be done to address my unhappiness. I told Ms. Waldron that I simply wanted a refund of $*** of the additional $*** I had paid (at my request, the dealership had put two new front tires on the car I bought, since the ones it had were completely bald and unsafe). She took this request to Mr. Sandford, who flatly refused, and who offered instead that I could**a) return the car for a full refund (another **-minute roundtrip drive and taking yet another day off work with a second person, since I would need a ride home) or*b) get a free oil change.**I told Ms. Waldron that this was unsatisfactory and that Mr. Sandford was taking the short-term view, since I was clearly an unsatisfied, vocal and articulate customer. I said I thought he should take the long-term view and honor my original offer because it was the right thing to do. She apologetically said that this was impossible.**I wanted to let you know how poorly this particular Mitsubishi dealership is treating a paying customer. Many thanks for taking the time to read this.**Catherine S. Vodrey******@***.com or ***-***-**** *** * ***Dear Mr. Sandford:**I am e-mailing you regarding the **** used Honda Fit I bought this afternoon at Boardman Mitsubishi. While I am very happy with the car itself, I have to say that I was disturbed with the way the transaction transpired. You can see from the e-mail exchange I had below with both Julie and Krissy why I felt that my $**,*** offer had been accepted. It wasn't til Krissy e-mailed me this morning ** minutes after I had left East Liverpool to drive to your dealership that there was any doubt cast in my mind (and please note that I didn't get her e-mail until I had already made the **-minute drive to the dealership).**I couldn't possibly have been clearer with both Julie and Krissy Patton that I wasn't interested in making a **-minute roundtrip drive to Boardman -- accompanied by my sister, with both of us taking time off work -- unless I felt my $**,*** offer had been settled. *I can provide the remainder of the e-mail . . . but this form won't let me in the space allotted.*
GetHuman:Quantifions votre expérience en contactant Mitsubishi Motors. Sur une échelle de 1 à 5, est-il facile d'obtenir de l'aide sur un problème Mitsubishi Motors?
GetHuman-beaverke:Je leur donnerais un five sur cinq pour faciliter la recherche de votre aide.
GetHuman:Qu'en est-il de la qualité de la communication. Comment évalueriez-vous cela sur une échelle de 1 à 5?
GetHuman-beaverke:Je leur donnerais un five sur cinq en communication.
GetHuman:Et qu'en est-il de la capacité de Mitsubishi Motors à résoudre rapidement et efficacement votre problème?
GetHuman-beaverke:Pour cela, je dirais five sur cinq.
GetHuman:Et enfin, des conseils pour les autres Mitsubishi Motors clients?
GetHuman-beaverke:Appelez-les tôt dans la journée ou tard. N'oubliez pas les informations personnelles ou de compte dont vous pourriez avoir besoin pour Mitsubishi Motors pour savoir qui vous êtes.
GetHuman:Bien, tu l'as maintenant. Quelques commentaires utiles et mots de GetHuman-beaverke tirés de son Mitsubishi Motors problème de service client survenu le décembre 3, 2017.

Mitsubishi Motors

5.00 sur 5 étoiles | 10 avis

L'avis de GetHuman-beaverke Mitsubishi Motors

Difficulté à trouver de l'aide
5 sur 5 étoiles
Qualité de la communication
5 sur 5 étoiles
Actualité et professionnalisme
5 sur 5 étoiles
Évaluation globale du service client
5 sur 5 étoiles

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