Comcast: Not able to keep internet service in my account...

Un Comcast avis client de l'utilisateur GetHuman GetHuman-tacomaca de décembre 4, 2017

Contexte du cas de GetHuman-tacomaca

GetHuman:GetHuman-tacomaca - pouvez-vous dire à nos autres Comcast clients quand votre cas a eu lieu?
GetHuman-tacomaca:Sure. C'était morning, le novembre 26.
GetHuman:Avez-vous contacté Comcast, et si oui, comment?
GetHuman-tacomaca:J'ai utilisé le 800-934-6489 numéro que j'ai trouvé sur la page de numéro de téléphone client GetHuman Comcast sur laquelle j'étais:Comcast Numéro de téléphone du service client
GetHuman:Et lequel de ces problèmes clients Comcast courants décrit le mieux la raison pour laquelle vous vouliez leur parler?
(Affiche GetHuman-tacomaca une liste de problèmes Comcast courants)
GetHuman-tacomaca:"Billing" était la raison pour laquelle j'essayais to call.

L'avis de GetHuman-tacomaca sur le Comcast service client

GetHuman:Alors, comment résumeriez-vous votre expérience pour la communauté de clients Comcast de GetHuman? Nous censurerons tous les identifiants, numéros ou codes et tous les mots inappropriés ici par respect pour les millions d'autres clients utilisant cette ressource.
GetHuman-tacomaca:Not able to keep internet service in my account because of my wife's account still having a balance
GetHuman:Pouvez-vous nous en dire un peu plus sur ce qui s'est passé le 11/26/17?
GetHuman-tacomaca:My wife account was shut off due to her not paying her bill. I was also a authorized user on her account but the account was in her name only. I called Comcast and told a sales rep all of this before I opened a new account in my name *Actually the rep know of this because of my cell number. I wasn't trying to hide anything.*He suggested I open the new account in my old account number that was still listed at the same address where my wife's account was set up.*He said I was good to go and I went to the service center and picked up my equipment went home set it up called the activation number and finished the installation process with the rep.*Four days later I get a call from Comcast asking me to cAll them. I was busy at the time i het a second call the next day to call them as it would interfere with my service. My wife has cancer is on a feeding tube and my life is busy and stressful daily as this health issue started back in **** oct with * strokes and a heart attack.*Her health has been declining since.*They interrupted my service today so I called *And was told that if I could pay my wife's account balance in full they would shut down my service. As the could not have to accounts at the same address owing .*I then said I told the rep all of this before I decided to set up service with them.*He told me as long as my account was good in the past there would not be a issue. I was able to get all the equipment and service set up with no money out of pocket. I asked the rep had I been deciving and got service that way I can understand why? But having been truthful with my intent I wanted to be rembursed for my time wear and tear and gas. She replied we don't pay for lost time. I then said good come pick up your equipment. Which she replied I would be charged a service fee for them to come to my house to pick up the equipment.*That's where I'm at with this issue I wish I had the ** dollars to pay you for your service but all my time is used taking care of my wife *Including not being able to work *Thank you*Steve Sadvar
GetHuman:Quantifions votre expérience en contactant Comcast. Sur une échelle de 1 à 5, est-il facile d'obtenir de l'aide sur un problème Comcast?
GetHuman-tacomaca:Je leur donnerais un four sur cinq pour faciliter la recherche de votre aide.
GetHuman:Qu'en est-il de la qualité de la communication. Comment évalueriez-vous cela sur une échelle de 1 à 5?
GetHuman-tacomaca:Je leur donnerais un one sur cinq en communication.
GetHuman:Et qu'en est-il de la capacité de Comcast à résoudre rapidement et efficacement votre problème?
GetHuman-tacomaca:Pour cela, je dirais one sur cinq.
GetHuman:Et enfin, des conseils pour les autres Comcast clients?
GetHuman-tacomaca:Appelez-les tôt dans la journée ou tard. N'oubliez pas les informations personnelles ou de compte dont vous pourriez avoir besoin pour Comcast pour savoir qui vous êtes.
GetHuman:Bien, tu l'as maintenant. Quelques commentaires utiles et mots de GetHuman-tacomaca tirés de son Comcast problème de service client survenu le novembre 26, 2017.


1.97 sur 5 étoiles | 1979 avis

L'avis de GetHuman-tacomaca Comcast

Difficulté à trouver de l'aide
4 sur 5 étoiles
Qualité de la communication
1 sur 5 étoiles
Actualité et professionnalisme
1 sur 5 étoiles
Évaluation globale du service client
2 sur 5 étoiles

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