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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Square - Page 14
Opinions réelles de Square clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 131 - 140 de 195 - Page 14 de 20
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Square: How can this company stay in business. I can't...
novembre 18 2017
Square: This is the worst customer service I have ever...
~Kevin Dawson
novembre 18 2017
Square: I ,am hoping Attorney General will close your f...
novembre 18 2017
Square: The phone number refers you to go back to the w...
~Media inc
novembre 18 2017
Square: This company could CARE LESS about customer ser...
novembre 18 2017
Square: Trying to set up credit card device to my phone...
novembre 18 2017
Square: I need an answer NOW! I can't find a *, and th...
novembre 17 2017
Square: what the ???? to charge its easy to answer the...
~crown galleries
novembre 17 2017
Square: I need to speak to a live person to ask a few q...
novembre 17 2017
Square: dog **** company... they have **,*** of my mone...
novembre 17 2017
Voir plus ancien
Square évaluations
1.24 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
2 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
1 sur 5 pour la communication
2 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
Comparez avec d'autres sociétés
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Square Coordonnées
Comment contacter Square
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