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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Publisher's Clearing House - Page 21
Opinions réelles de Publisher's Clearing House clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 201 - 210 de 215 - Page 21 de 22
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Publisher's Clearing House: Be aware that PCH on-line can bring tons of unw...
novembre 5 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: i keep getting stuff i did not order. customer...
novembre 5 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: I am so disappointed in the purchase I made. Th...
novembre 4 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: I received a package I did not order. I was tol...
novembre 4 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: We have placed * orders in a year. Have not re...
novembre 4 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: i have purchesd more than *** dollars worth of...
novembre 4 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: She was very patient, thorough, and thank god b...
novembre 3 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: Terrible service to hard to find out where and...
novembre 3 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: An item that I purchased a few month ago broke...
novembre 2 2017
Publisher's Clearing House: I called to cancel my order and Desman *** took...
novembre 2 2017
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Publisher's Clearing House évaluations
4.23 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
5 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
4 sur 5 pour la communication
5 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Publisher's Clearing House