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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Good Housekeeping Magazine - Page 5
Opinions réelles de Good Housekeeping Magazine clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 41 - 50 de 204 - Page 5 de 21
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Good Housekeeping Magazine: Entered the account *, waited on hold maybe...
novembre 25 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: The customer service rep was fine, saying he ca...
novembre 25 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: Handled well once I found this * to call. They...
novembre 25 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: The customer service person was not at all inte...
novembre 25 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: Excellent service by Allison. Was great talking...
novembre 25 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: I called back after attempting to get the billi...
novembre 25 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: I received Nov. and Dec. issues with my new sub...
novembre 25 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: Called because I was being billed for a subscri...
novembre 24 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: I spoke with Amanda, who was very professional...
novembre 24 2017
Good Housekeeping Magazine: If they do what they say they will cancel my su...
novembre 24 2017
Voir plus ancien
Good Housekeeping Magazine évaluations
4.81 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
5 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
5 sur 5 pour la communication
5 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Good Housekeeping Magazine