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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour Golf Galaxy - Page 3
Opinions réelles de Golf Galaxy clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 21 - 30 de 48 - Page 3 de 5
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Golf Galaxy: bought a new putter and new set of irons staff...
novembre 3 2017
Golf Galaxy: I am and have been a casual customer to the "Go...
~Raphael M. (Ray) Carrasco
novembre 3 2017
Golf Galaxy: I had my clubs regripped. Workmanship was exce...
novembre 2 2017
Golf Galaxy: Overall, great service. Mike did a exceptional...
novembre 2 2017
Golf Galaxy: The only golf store that I go to. All of the go...
novembre 2 2017
Golf Galaxy: I shop there often and always find quick answer...
~Rex Carnival
novembre 2 2017
Golf Galaxy: i went in the store got want I wanted. Asked o...
novembre 2 2017
Golf Galaxy: Mike Did an excellent job of selling me what I...
novembre 2 2017
Golf Galaxy: Guided me on the type of ball I should be using...
~The Phantom
novembre 2 2017
Golf Galaxy: great customer service on ***** at your Mount L...
novembre 2 2017
Voir plus ancien
Golf Galaxy évaluations
1.00 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
3 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
4 sur 5 pour la communication
3 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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Golf Galaxy