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Évaluations et commentaires des clients pour DISH - Page 8
Opinions réelles de DISH clients par GetHuman
Affichage de 71 - 80 de 312 - Page 8 de 32
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DISH: I have never been more disappointed with any T...
novembre 24 2017
DISH: He asked the same question over and over. Then...
novembre 24 2017
DISH: When I first got Dish I messed up trying to adj...
novembre 24 2017
DISH: Brandi Cross ***-***-****. I had the most rude...
~Brandi Cross
novembre 24 2017
DISH: I can't describe the experience I had with Dish...
novembre 24 2017
DISH: over an hour .on the chat line and they disconn...
novembre 24 2017
DISH: Get too many lost signal and * channels got re...
novembre 24 2017
DISH: Totally Horrible Company, Everything seemed to...
novembre 24 2017
DISH: I have never received any thing but bad custome...
novembre 24 2017
DISH: got no help calling the *** no. not raining *ha...
novembre 24 2017
Voir plus ancien
DISH évaluations
2.56 sur 5 dans l'ensemble
5 sur 5 pour les coordonnées
4 sur 5 pour la communication
5 sur 5 pour le professionnalisme
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DISH Coordonnées
Comment contacter DISH
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